Work Related

Job Readiness Screening

Service Features
A brief, job readiness assessment that includes: Suits an employer’s need to screen a large number of (pre) employees over one or two days
Musculoskeletal Injury Screening Identifies limitations in flexibility and the presence of common, relevant musculoskeletal injuries
2 brief non-standardised functional capacity tests (chosen according to job demands) Gives an estimate of functional capacity related to 2 relevant job demands

Pre or Periodic Employment Functional Assessment (PEFA)

Service Features
A thorough assessment of (pre) employee’s ability to meet the specific physical requirements of the job Based on a prior JobFit Workplace analysis (see below for description and fee)
Accurate and thorough assessment of individual’s capability to safely meet the demands of a specific job

Fit for Work Exercise Programme

Service Features
Personalised exercise programme, developed to address the gap between the requirements of the job and the current functional capacity of the individual Based on a recent PEFA
Reduced workplace injury risk
Includes a one-on-one session with a physiotherapist to ensure effectiveness and safety of exercise technique

WorkHab Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)

Service Features
A thorough, accurate assessment of an employee’s maximum functional capacity. The assessment is customised to simulate 10 or more current or potential workplace tasks. Industry Gold Standard functional capacity evaluation system
Standardised system, based on years of research and development
Results will more accurately reflect workers true workplace capacity than those provided by non-standardised FCE systems
Provides specific, objective recommendations of the load, duration and repetitions of each task that the individual should be able to safely tolerate on an ‘occasional’, ‘frequent’ or ‘constant’ basis as defined by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA)
Enables the identification of a range of physically appropriate vocations or roles for the individual. This is particularly helpful when an injured employee has been unable to return to his or her pre-injury duties and alternative employment will be required.
Report includes:
concise, easy to read summary of main findings and recommendations
Attached appendices that include:
detailed description of the functional tests, the individual’s performance and recommendations
Clear explanation of technical terms and concepts

JobFit Workplace Task Analysis

Service Features
An onsite analysis and collection of detailed objective data that describes the physical demands of either specific tasks or the entire role of an employee. Allows accurate development of role or task specific PEFA (see advantages of PEFA on above)
Enables simple, clear and legally defendable decisions on job placement, suitable duties and health surveillance
Identifies manual handling, health and hygiene risks, enabling simple and effective modification of occupational, health and safety protocols.
Allows health professionals to provide your injured employees with rehabilitation that is specifically tailored to detailed and objective job-specific guidelines. This ensures that the rehabilitation process is more efficient, keeping costs to a minimum, and improves the likelihood of a sustainable return to pre-injury duties.